The Director of International Relations of IFFD, Ignacio Socias, has participated on July 19th at the High-Level Summit on ‘Redesigning the Workplace of the Future: Sharing Responsibility for Family-Friendly Policies’, organized by UNICEF. Among the attendees, UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta H. Fore; Government of Sri Lanka Minister of Finance, H.E. Mangala Samaraweera; Government of Sweden Minister of Social Security, H.E. Annika Strandhäll; Government of UAE Minister of State for Happiness and Wellbeing, H.E. Ohood bint Khalfan al Roumi; Patagonia Vice President, Environmental Initiatives, Rick Ridgeway ; ELA (Latin-American Team on Justice and Gender) Executive Director, Natalia Gherardi; UN Global Compact CEO and Executive Director, Lise Kingo; IOE Secretary-General, Roberto Suárez-Santos; INDEX President, Luis Aguirre; Unilever Vice President of Human Resources, Harsha Jalihal; MAS Kreeda CEO, Sarinda Unamboowe; and Safaricom Chief Special Projects Officer, Joseph Ogutu.
The event has been focused on governments and businesses to redesign the workplaces of the future, to enable parents to give their children the best start in life, while boosting productivity and women’s empowerment.