Post by: IFFD Foundation in Uncategorized
This project is directed to cities and Regions that wish to actively contribute to goal SDG11 to be inclusive of sustainable families by being responsive to their needs. Their commitment will consist on signing the Chart that includes the Venice Declaration and presenting once a year a report about the results of their work on the contents of it. Project…
Post by: IFFD Foundation in Uncategorized
The purpose of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) & Families project, promoted by IFFD and sponsored by Caixabank, was to help policymakers understand the role of stable families in supporting societies and how societies can support strong families, as well as provide support in assessing how public policy decisions can directly and indirectly affect family and child well-being. The study…
Post by: IFFD Foundation in Uncategorized
Since February 2013, the International Federation for Family Development has been part of a large-scale integrating project called "Families And Societies". The project’s aim is to address changing families and sustainable societies, policy contexts and diversity over the life course and across generations, and has been coordinated by Stockholm University. What will families look like in the future? Are existing…