Post by: IFFD Foundation in ADVOCACY Uncategorized
The 2023 IFFD Briefing will be celebrated on February 9th, 2022 at the UN Headquarters in New York, during the Session of the Commission for Social Development, co-organized by the International Federation for Family Development and the UN DESA Division for Inclusive Social Development, with the collaboration of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Slovenia to the United Nations.

Post by: IFFD Foundation in AROUND THE WORLD CONFERENCES Uncategorized
Celebrated in Seville, 170 people from many Spanish cities participated in this event to share experiences and get informed about all the projects and resources that we are receiving from the differents IFFD Teams.

Post by: IFFD Foundation in ADVOCACY AROUND THE WORLD Uncategorized
Alejandro Vazquez, from IFFD, participated together with other experts. He contributed with recommendations for urban families to reduce the effects of poverty and social exclusion on children in need of support and protection.

Post by: IFFD Foundation in Uncategorized
The IFFD Foundation has just published the annual report. It provides detailed information about the activities carried out in 2020. DOWNLOAD PDF

Post by: IFFD Foundation in Uncategorized
During the fourth week of May, Samuel Carpintero, Managing Director of IFFD Foundation, held several meetings in Mexico City and Monterrey with people involved in raising money for the endowment fund as well as with prospective major donors.

Post by: IFFD Foundation in Uncategorized
Ten years ago, IFFD was granted the reclassification of the consultative status at United Nations ECOSOC from special to general, a position reserved for large international NGOs whose area of work cover most of the issues on the agenda of ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies. On April 14th, IFFD celebrated this anniversary on the occasion of the global observance of the International…

Post by: IFFD Foundation in Uncategorized
During the third week of April, Samuel Carpintero, Managing Director of IFFD Foundation, held several meetings in Sao Paulo with people involved in raising money for the endowment fund as well as with prospective major donors.

Post by: IFFD Foundation in Uncategorized
#LookingAheadTalks is a series of online informal meetings with energetic young leaders from every corner of the globe. The last session (n. 8) had Pap Talla as speaker. He is the Director of Development and Innovation for the Cite Scolaire Internationale (CSI-Group), a network of international schools in Senegal and Mali.

Post by: IFFD Foundation in Uncategorized
María Bejar has been appointed as the new Chairwoman of IFFD Foundation by the board on April. Congratulations, María!

Post by: IFFD Foundation in Uncategorized
IFFD Foundation is carrying out a fundraising campaign in order to establish an endowment fund whose return will provide the necessary economic stability to the activities promoted by IFFD, and at the same time will make possible the plans for growth and expansion that IFFD is promoting. The objective is to reach $20 million by 2025. DOWNLOAD DOSSIER