2024 NCFR Annual Conference 

The Director of International Relations at IFFD, Alex Vázquez, and Ignacio Socias, Advocacy Talent Acquisition, attended the Annual Conference of the National Council for Family Relations on 20th-23rd November Washington. IFFD participated in key discussions on resilience, family science, parenting evidence, and collaboration opportunities with researchers and academics from across North America and beyond.

IFFD Awards 2025

Since 2013, the IFFD Awards have been presented every year during the Commission for Social Development to persons or entities distinguished by the promotion of family perspective policies around the world. In this edition, 2025 IFFD Awards have been granted to The Province of Bataan (The Philippines), headed by Governor Jose Enrique S. Garcia III, and SOS Children Villages International.

12th International Advocacy Workshop (Poland)

More than 450 students and young professionals from 39 countries and diverse cultural and academic backgrounds have attended the past editions of the IFFD International Advocacy Workshop, together with a group of senior observers. This 12th edition was organized on 3 – 5 September 2024 in the University of Warsaw (Poland).

ECOSOC High Level Political Forum 2024

The International Federation for Family Development has been one of the six Civil Society Organizations chosen to be heard at the High Level Segment of UN ECOSOC this year. Jose Alejandro Vazquez, on behalf of IFFD, participated in the interactive discussion on 'Care and Support Systems' highlighting parenting support programmes as a crucial tool to empower the family as a holistic agent…

Meeting of Family-Friendly Cities

A new meeting of the ‘Inclusive Cities for Sustainable Families’ project has been held on August 15th by San Nicolás de los Garza (Mexico) with the Instituto de Analisis de Política Familiar, to strengthen family integration and development. José Alejandro Vázquez, Director of International Relations and Ignacio Socias, Advocacy Talent Adquisition from the International Federation for Family Development, participated on it and emphasized the importance of…

State of Tlaxcala (Mexico) joins the Venice Declaration

Lorena Cuéllar Cisneros, Governor of the State of Tlaxcala signed the Venice Declaration to promote public policies for the benefit of Tlaxcaltecan families. IFFD was represented by José Alejandro Vázquez Alarcón, Director of IFFD and Ignacio Socias, Advocacy Talent Adquisition of IFFD. Tlaxcala is the third state in Mexico to join this global call.

30th anniversary of the International Year of the Family

On May 15th, IFFD participated through several contributions in the official observance of the International Day of Families at the United Nations to celebrate its thirtieth anniversary. With more than 100 participants, the 2024 in-person observance of the International Day of Families focused on Climate Change and Demographic Trends. WATCH VIDEO

Side Event during The UN Commission on Population and Development

A Side Event on ‘SDGs and the impact of Megatrends on families: Perspectives from Asia’ was held on May 1st, at the United Nations headquarters during the Commission on Population and Development. It was co-organized by IFFD and the Doha International Family Institute and co-sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Malaysia to the United Nations. WATCH VIDEO  

New Director of International Relations at IFFD

Jose Alejandro Vazquez will replace Ignacio Socias as the Director of International Relations at IFFD, and therefore as the main representative to the United Nations. Ignacio Socias, who is beginning his retirement process with this step, will continue working for IFFD on Advocacy Talent Acquisition and will provide counsel on tasks assigned by the Board. Ignacio Socias, who is beginning his retirement process…

Inclusive Cities European Meeting 

This event was held in Venice on March 14th-15th organized by IFFD, in collaboration with the Regional Council and the European Local Council of ELISAN Inclusion and Social Action Network. The central topic was ‘Climate change and its impact on families and their well-being’, in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the International Year of the Family. WATCH VIDEO