IFFD Foundation is carrying out a fundraising campaign in order to establish an endowment fund whose return will provide the necessary economic stability to the activities promoted by IFFD, and at the same time will make possible the plans for growth and expansion that IFFD is promoting.


As of December 2024 the value of the endowment fund is $5.4M.


is managed according to an endowment policy approved by the IFFD Foundation Board of Trustees.


The money is invested in vehicles that are specialized in the management of this type of funds.

Endowment Management Report

Advisory Committee

The asset allocation is defined periodically by an Investment Advisory Committee composed of:

Martín Pich

Chairman. CFA, Manager of a family office

Javier Santomá

Professor of Finance (IESE Business School)

Jaime Puig

General Manager of GVC Gaesco Gestión

Ignacio Contreras

Director at Stelac Advisory Services

The investments of the endowment are managed through Mirabaud Asset Management.
As of June 2024, the main donations have come from*

(*) Some of these grants are multi-year commitments that have not yet been disbursed in its entirety.