2024 NCFR Annual Conference 

The Director of International Relations at IFFD, Alex Vázquez, and Ignacio Socias, Advocacy Talent Acquisition, attended the Annual Conference of the National Council for Family Relations on 20th-23rd November Washington. IFFD participated in key discussions on resilience, family science, parenting evidence, and collaboration opportunities with researchers and academics from across North America and beyond.

IFFD Awards 2025

Since 2013, the IFFD Awards have been presented every year during the Commission for Social Development to persons or entities distinguished by the promotion of family perspective policies around the world. In this edition, 2025 IFFD Awards have been granted to The Province of Bataan (The Philippines), headed by Governor Jose Enrique S. Garcia III, and SOS Children Villages International.

‘First Letters’ course in Vilna (Lithuania)

23 parents enrolled in the ‘First Letters’ course and attended the sessions in Vilna (Lithuania) in November. This program for parents with children from 4 to 7 years old is a great platform to help them to reconcile a unique upbringing with the influence of friends and family, and channel their behavior on the basis of the human virtues.

‘Married love II’ course in Lima (Peru)

Around 20 couples attended the ‘Married Love II’ course celebrated in Lima (Peru) in November. This course is designed for couples looking to enhance or enrich their marital life. Through discussion groups led by the moderators, the course delves into the meaning of marriage, thereby enhancing the relationship between husbands and wives.

‘Pre-adolescence’ course in Slovenia

The ‘Pre-adolescence’ course in Slovenia took place on November with the participation of 24 couples. The Director of IFFD Family Enrichment, Leticia Rodríguez, opened the first session.