Post by: IFFD Foundation in AROUND THE WORLD
After a long struggle to achieve the appropriate conditions for launching IFFD programs in Ghana, eventually the first promotional session of IFFD program ‘Married Love’ took place in Accra, on Sunday November 12. IFFD had the support of Henry and Patience Andoh, previously moderators of IFFD courses with NAFAD in Nigeria, now living in Ghana.

Post by: IFFD Foundation in AROUND THE WORLD
Академии семьи (Family Academy) organized a training course for future moderators of the Personal Project program, aimed at young people. The course covered topics such as happiness, freedom and human will. Belgian moderators Marina Robben and Karel Phlips led the training session, which took place on November 12 in Moscow.

Post by: IFFD Foundation in AROUND THE WORLD Uncategorized
On November 3, the Nigerian Association for Family Development (NAFAD), coordinator of IFFD courses in that country, held its 15th National Conference for moderators in Owerri, Eastern Nigeria. The moderators taking part discussed strategies for the expansion of courses and to increase the participation of parents in IFFD programs.

Post by: IFFD Foundation in ADVOCACY AROUND THE WORLD FORUMS Uncategorized
Celebrating the World Cities Day, October 31, IFFD co-organized and took part on the event Accessible Cities United, Enabling future cities to be smart. By 2030 more than 60% of the world’s population is projected to live in cities. Urban centers will face key challenges in ensuring that the needs of people living in hardship are met. As cities become …

Post by: IFFD Foundation in AROUND THE WORLD Rome summit
The Rome Summit 2017 event was held in Rome on November 18 for a second consecutive year. It brought together around 30 people, including some members of the Board of Directors of the IFFD Foundation as well as people involved in the Foundation’s fundraising activities. The event focused on fundraising among potential major donors, with the goal of raising money…
Javier Vidal-Quadras, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Antonio Orol, Trustee, met in Dallas from Oct. 12th to 14th with potential donors to explain the activities of the foundation and the fundraising campaign that we are developing. In addition to some private meetings, there were two main gatherings with around 30 participants in total. The attendees had the opportunity…
Post by: IFFD Foundation in Uncategorized
Family Enrichment Toronto launches the ‘Personal Project Program,’ designed for young people between 20 and 30 years old. On September 30 a demonstration session of this program was held with 40 young people participating. Thirty-two of them have already registered for the course, which begins on October 28.

Post by: IFFD Foundation in AROUND THE WORLD Uncategorized
On September 23-24, a moderator training course took place in Zürich. Around 27 people took part in the theoretical and practical sessions on how to moderate IFFD's programs using the case study methodology. It was part of their training for the setting up of new family enrichment courses in the near future. Vereinigung Familie & Erziehung (VFE) was in charge…
Post by: IFFD Foundation in AROUND THE WORLD Uncategorized
September 3 was the day for families in Kazakhstan. The city of Almaty organized a family festival in collaboration with various associations working for families. IFFD had its own stand and collaborated actively in the celebration.

Post by: IFFD Foundation in AROUND THE WORLD Uncategorized
On September 2-3 several training sessions were held in Amsterdam. Leticia Rodríguez, director of Family Enrichment at IFFD, and Will Van Erp, coordinator of Family Enrichment Netherlands, delivered a training course for new moderators.