Post by: IFFD Foundation in AROUND THE WORLD
Eduardotupac10, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons From February 20th to 26th, Samuel Carpintero, Managing Director of IFFD Foundation, held several meetings in Mexico and Monterrey with people involved in raising money for the endowment fund as well as with prospective major donors.

The LAR Assotiation, responsible for the coordination of the Family Enrichment courses in Mexico, celebrated his 11ª national convention on 11th-12th February in Puebla. This event had over 220 participants focused on "re-meeting in-person and looking forward", and was preceded by a moderators' formation program. The technical program focused on sexuality and affectivity, with the participation of the IFFD General Secretary Javier Vidal-Quadras.

Post by: IFFD Foundation in AROUND THE WORLD
The Regional Expert Group Meeting on “Demographic Changes and Family Wellbeing in Africa” took place this week at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. The meeting was a great illustration of how academia and civil society organizations are committed to put the family unit first at the policy-making agenda in the region. It was organized by the University of Pretoria in…