The Director of International Relations of IFFD, Ignacio Socias, attended on May 1 the conference on "the transition to a family-friendly Europe", organized by the Hungarian government and two academic entities. The objective of his intervention was to share the work of IFFD as an international initiative of special success of the United Nations, together with the joint meeting of…

Post by: IFFD Foundation in FORUMS
The Director of International Relations of IFFD, Ignacio Socias, has participated on July 19th at the High-Level Summit on ‘Redesigning the Workplace of the Future: Sharing Responsibility for Family-Friendly Policies’, organized by UNICEF. Among the attendees, UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta H. Fore; Government of Sri Lanka Minister of Finance, H.E. Mangala Samaraweera; Government of Sweden Minister of Social Security, H.E. Annika…

Post by: IFFD Foundation in AROUND THE WORLD
In collaboration with IFFD, the IEB Association (short for Institut für Elternbildung, Parental Training Institute) held several training sessions in the German city of Munich on April 6th and 7th. Close to 60 moderators from South and West Germany attended. The first day’s topic was moderator skills training, with both theorical and practical sessions attended by future moderators from Munich,…

Post by: IFFD Foundation in AROUND THE WORLD
A public hearing on Family Policies and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has been held at the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil, with the participacion of UNICEF, UN DESA and the Director of International Relations of IFFD, Ignacio Socias.