A side event on Substance abuse in the Sustainable Development Era (Addiction prevention, treatment and recovery as tools to eradicate poverty and boost development), was celebrated on February 5th at the UN HQ on the occasion of the 56th Commission for Social Development, co-organized by IOGT International and IFFD.

Post by: IFFD Foundation in AROUND THE WORLD
NAFAD Enugu, South-Eastern Nigeria, had the chance to organize a zero session for the Personal Project course, which will be launched in 2018, on December 16. The course was attended by 32 young men and women, who are looking forward to attending more sessions later in the year.

Post by: IFFD Foundation in AROUND THE WORLD
On January 20, a Marital Love course was successfully completed in Ljubljana, with the participation of couples of different ages. Throughout five participative sessions, they took an in-depth look at the meaning of commitment and the challenges it brings. The same weekend, the first Personal Project program was launched with the support of Will Van Erp, an IFFD moderator from…

Post by: IFFD Foundation in AROUND THE WORLD
A Personal Project program is underway in San Salvador; the first one for single young people in this country. Young men and women are attending six working sessions to discuss issues such as freedom and responsibility, emotional intelligence, friendship, work and relationships, among others.