30th anniversary of the International Year of the Family

On May 15th, IFFD participated through several contributions in the official observance of the International Day of Families at the United Nations to celebrate its thirtieth anniversary. With more than 100 participants, the 2024 in-person observance of the International Day of Families focused on Climate Change and Demographic Trends. WATCH VIDEO

12th National Convention of Family Enrichment at IFFD Mexico (LAR)

Around 100 leaders and 50 young professionals enrolled in this convention organized on April 20th in Monterrey by IFFD México (LAR). In line with Cebu, the theme of the convention was ‘Family Life and New Technologies’. Javier Relats⁩, Strategic Director at IFFD, joined the conventions and gave an update on IFFD work and presented our new platform Pause.

Side Event during The UN Commission on Population and Development

A Side Event on ‘SDGs and the impact of Megatrends on families: Perspectives from Asia’ was held on May 1st, at the United Nations headquarters during the Commission on Population and Development. It was co-organized by IFFD and the Doha International Family Institute and co-sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Malaysia to the United Nations. WATCH VIDEO  

‘Pause by IFFD’ launches a new video series

This new online platform has launched a new series of videos under the title ‘Getting your children to listen’ where they delve into issues of authority and education. To do so, they counted on the collaboration of six experts. The vocation of this platform is being a meeting place and a starting point to initiate actions and conversations that will…

New Director of International Relations at IFFD

Jose Alejandro Vazquez will replace Ignacio Socias as the Director of International Relations at IFFD, and therefore as the main representative to the United Nations. Ignacio Socias, who is beginning his retirement process with this step, will continue working for IFFD on Advocacy Talent Acquisition and will provide counsel on tasks assigned by the Board. Ignacio Socias, who is beginning his retirement process…